Thursday, October 31, 2019

A paper on the best practice for information systems consultancy Essay

A paper on the best practice for information systems consultancy projects - Essay Example In accordance with the above, consultants need to have the ability to understand the current needs of the firm and propose the most appropriate solution taking into account the current trends of the market and the ability of the firm to follow the project proposed regarding a specific issue. Current paper will discuss the intervention of consultancy in the area of information technology. At the same time particular aspects of consultancy are going to be examined taking into account that firms tend to differentiate their behaviour within a specific market in order to keep their performance at a standard level – wherever such a strategy is applicable. As already stated above one of the most important elements of consultancy is knowledge. This knowledge refers not only to the knowledge of consultant regarding a particular problem of the firm but mainly to the knowledge available to the company on a constantly basis. Indeed, the study of Bollinger et al. (2001, 8) showed that ‘knowledge is a resource valuable to an organizations ability to innovate and compete’. On the other hand, it is noticed by Anand et al. (2003, 15) that ‘the knowledge possessed by an organization and its members can be classified as explicit or tacit; explicit knowledge can be codified and communicated without much difficulty while tacit knowledge--such as the manner of operating sensitive equipment or interpersonal skills--is not so easily articulated’. Consultants should be able to process effectively all types of knowledge ensuring the viability of the firm in the long term. Consultancy was precisely described by Wood (2002). In his book, he stated that consultancy can refer to the following activities: 1 Management and administration: including management consultancy, legal, accounting, financial strategy and fiscal advice, mergers, and takeovers and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

CASE 3- Variable and Fixed Costs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CASE 3- Variable and Fixed Costs - Essay Example ch refers to the costing methodology in which all the manufacturing and direct costs were allocated to the products and used in the calculation of the costs of inventory (opening, in process or closing). All the non manufacturing costs are directly charged to the income statement and were excluded from the cost of inventory (opening, in process or closing). This method is also known as full costing method or system. (Drury, 2004) An alternative to this method is a variable costing method. Under variable costing approach the cost of a product includes variable costs (costs that vary with the level of production) of production only. All the fixed costs (costs that are not dependent on the level of production) are directly taken to the profit and loss statement and not form the part of inventory cost (opening, in process or closing). It is also called as direct costing system. (Matz & Usry, 1980) 1. If production in a period equals the sales in that period, then profits calculated under both the methods are same. The reason is that the amount of fixed overheads that will be charged to the profit and loss statement under absorption costing will be the fixed expenses incurred during the period, which is also charged in the profit and loss statement under variable costing method. Therefore, net income under both methods will be same. The fixed costs pertaining to opening inventories, under absorption costing method, will be carried forward to the next period, As opening and closing inventories are same (since sales equals production). (Drury, 2004) 2. If the production during the period exceeds the sales during that period, then absorption costing system results in higher profits as compared to the variable costing systems, since fixed cost pertaining to the units sold is less than the total fixed costs for the period (As production is greater than sales and fixed costs in absorption costing are allocated on the basis of units produced). As under the absorption

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Dispersion Properties of the Propagation of Linear Waves

Dispersion Properties of the Propagation of Linear Waves ABSTRACT In electron-positron plasmas some of the plasma modes are decoupled due to the equal charge to mass ratio of both species. The dispersion properties of the propagation of linear waves in degenerate electron–positron magnetoplasma are investigated. By using the quantum hydrodynamic equations with magnetic fields of the Wigner–Maxwell system, we have obtained a set of new dispersion relations in which ions’ motions are not considered. The general dielectric tensor is derived using the electron and positron densities and its momentum response to the quantum effects due to Bohm potential and the statistical effect of Femi temperature. It has been demonstrated the importance of magnetic field and its role with the quantum effects in these plasmas which support the propagation of electromagnetic linear waves. Besides, the dispersion relations in case of parallel and perpendicular modes are investigated for different positron-electron density ratios. Keywords: Quantum Plasma; Dispersion relation ; Electron –Positron 1- INTRODUCTION Electron-positron (e-p) plasmas are found in the early universe, in astrophysical objects (e.g., pulsars, super nova remnants, and active galactic nuclei, in ÃŽ ³ -ray bursts, and at the center of the Milky Way galaxy [1]. In such physical systems, the e-p pairs can be created by collisions between particles that are accelerated by electromagnetic and electrostatic waves and/or by gravitational forces. Intense laser-plasma interaction experiments have reported the production of MeV electrons and conclusive evidence of positron production via electron collisions. Positrons have also been created in post disruption plasmas in large tokamaks through collisions between MeV electrons and thermal particles. The progress in the production of positron plasmas of the past two decades makes it possible to consider laboratory experiments on e-p plasmas [2]. The earlier theoretical studies on linear waves in electron–positron plasmas have largely focused on the relativistic regime relevant to astrophysical contexts [3]. This is largely due to the fact that the production of these electron–positron pairs requires high-energy processes. In laboratory plasmas non-relativistic electron–positron plasmas can be created by using two different schemes. In one scheme, a relativistic electron beam when impinges on high Z-target produces positrons in abundance. The relativistic pair of electrons and positrons is then trapped in a magnetic mirror and cools down rapidly by radiation, thus producing non-relativistic pair plasmas. In another scheme positrons can be accumulated from a radioactive source. Such non-relativistic electron–positron plasmas have been produced in the laboratory by many researchers. This has given an impetus to many theoretical works on non-relativistic electron–positron plasmas. Stewart and Laing [4] studied the dispersion properties of linear waves in equal-mass plasmas and found that due to the special symmetry of such plasmas, well known phenomena such as Faraday rotation and whistler wave modes disappear. Iwamoto [5] studied the collective modes in non-relativistic electron–positron plasmas using the kinetic approach. He found that the dispersion relations for longitudinal modes in electron–positron plasma for both unmagnetized and magnetized electron–positron plasmas were similar to the modes in one-component electron or electron–ion plasmas. The transverse modes for the unmagnetized case were also found to be similar. However, the transverse modes in the presence of a magnetic field were found to be different from those in electron–ion plasmas. Studies of wave propagation in electron–positron plasmas contin ue to highlight the role played by the equal mass of electrons and positrons. For example, the low frequency ion acoustic wave, a feature of electron–ion plasmas due to significantly different masses of electrons and ions, has no counterpart in electron–positron plasma. Shukla et al [6] derived a new dispersion relation for low-frequency electrostatic waves in strongly magnetized non-uniform electron–positron plasma. They showed that the dispersion relation admits a new purely growing instability in the presence of equilibrium density and magnetic field inhomogeneties. Linear electrostatic waves in a magnetized four-component, two-temperature electron–positron plasma are investigated by Lazarus et al in Ref. [7]. They have derived a linear dispersion relation for electrostatic waves for the model and analyzed for different wave modes. Dispersion characteristics of these modes at different propagation angles are studied numerically. In this work, The dispersion properties of the propagation of linear waves in degenerate electron–positron magnetoplasma are investigated. By using the quantum hydrodynamic equations with magnetic fields of the Wigner–Maxwell system, we have obtained a set of new dispersion relations in which ions’ motions are not considered. The general dielectric tensor is derived using the electron and positron densities and its momentum response to the quantum effects due to Bohm potential and the statistical effect of Femi temperature. 2- MODELING EQUATIONS We consider quantum plasma composed of electrons and positrons whose background stationary ions. The plasma is immersed in an external magnetic field . The quasi-neutrality condition reads as . From model, the dynamics of these particles are governed by the following continuity equation and the momentum equation: (1) (2) Here and are the number density, the velocity and the mass of particle respectively () and is the plank constant divided by. Let electrons and positrons obey the following pressure law: Where, is the Fermi thermal speed, is the particle Fermi temperature, is the Boltzmann’s constant and is the equilibrium particle number density. We have included both the quantum statistical effects through Fermi temperature and the quantum diffraction in the –dependent. If we set equal to zero and equal the temperature of electrons and positrons, we obtain the classical hydrodynamic equation. Assuming that the plasma is isothermal, the Fermi speeds for different particles may be equal. Using the perturbation technique, assume the quantity representing (n, u, B, E) has the following form where is the unperturbed value and is a small perturbation . Assuming the equilibrium electric field is zero and linearizing the continuity and the momentum equations, we have: (3) (4) Multiplying equation (4) by and Simplifying, we can obtain the following equation: (5) where, , , and Assuming, , then the three components of the fluid velocity can be written as: (6a) (6b) (6c) Where, and The current density and the dielectric permeability of the medium are given: (7) (8) where is the unit tensor. So, we can obtain the dielectric tensor as follows: (9) Where, Then, according to equations (8), (9) The propagation of different electromagnetic linear waves in quantum plasma can be obtained from the following general dispersion relation: (10) Where, is the plasma frequency and . 3- DISCUSSION In this section, we focus our attention on the discussion of some different modes in two cases that the wave vector parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field . (3.I) Parallel modes So, this case leads to, with . Therefore the general dispersion relation (10) becomes: (11) This gives two dispersion relations. The first one () investigates the dispersion of electrostatic quantum waves included the quantum effects as follows (12) By neglecting the quantum effects, equation (11) describes the following well-known classical modes The second dispersion equation gives: (13) Equation (13) is similar to the dispersion of left and right waves (L- and R- modes). Owing to the symmetry between the positively and negatively charged particles, the dispersion relation for the right circularly polarized wave is identical to the left circularly polarized wave. It has been noted that no quantum effects on these modes. For unmagnetized plasma , the dispersion relation becomes: (14) (3.II) Perpendicular mode In this case, we have So, the general dispersion relation (10) becomes: (15) Where it has the following new elements , , , , , , , In the case of unmagnetized plasma , we have the following two dispersion equations: (16) and (17) The equation (16) is the well known dispersion relation which investigates the propagation of electromagnetic waves in classical unmagnetized plasma.The damping is absent because the phase velocity of the wave obtained from this equation is always greater than the velocity of light, so that no particles can be resonant with the wave. This results is analogous to the one-component electron plasma [5]. While the other relation (17) indicates the dispersion of the waves in electron-positron plasma under the quantum effects. 4- NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND RESULTS In this section, we are going to investigate the above dispersion relations numerically. Introducing the normalized quantities , , , , and the plasmonic coupling () which describes the ratio of plasmonic energy density to the electron Fermi energy density, we rewrite some of the dispersion relations in both of parallel and perpendicular modes. (4.I) Parallel modes In the first, equation (12), () becomes: (18) Where, . The dispersion relation (17) has two positive solutions, Fig 1, for positron electron density ration with and .One of solutions of the dispersion equation (19) can be investigated in Fig. (2) to study the parallel modes for different density ratios with in quantum plasma . The solution of the normalized dispersion equation (17) has been also displayed in 3D figure (3) for quantum unmagnetized plasma . It is clear from the previous figures that the dispersion relations depend strongly on the density ratio of positron to electron. As the positron density is increased to equal to the electron density, the phase velocity has been increased. In the beginning, with very small positron density the wave frequency equals the electron plasma frequency and decreased with positron density increased. Besides, in the Fig. (4), the dispersion relation of parallel modes is shown for different quantum ratios , in the case of positron-electron density ratio and equal velocities of them . It is clear that the phase velocity of the mode is increased with the increases of plasmonic coupling ratio. (4.II) Perpendicular mode In the case of perpendicular modes, equation (15) can be normalized and solved numerically (here, ). Figure (5) displays the dispersion curves of electromagnetic modes under the effect of different density ratios in classical plasma. Also, the other equation (16) can be solve numerically to give two real solutions. One of them is the same solution approximately of equation (15) (which is clear in Figure (6). The other solution of dispersion equation (16) is displayed in figure (7). It is clear in the figures that the dispersion curves at depend essentially on the positron-electron density ratio . As the positron density increases to equal electron density, the wave frequency is increased to be bigger than the plasma frequency. On the dispersion curves (figures (5) and (6)), it has been noted the phase velocity of modes (+ve slope of the curves) decreases as density ratio increases. But, on the figure (7), the phase velocities of these modes (-ve slope) are the same with changes of the density ratio. They tend to zero with large wave number which means that these modes cannot propagate in plasmas. Figure (8) investigates the dispersion relations of the electromagnetic waves in electron-positron plasma under the quantum effects. It is clear that, in the case of classical plasma, the wave frequency decreases as wave number increases (the phase velocity is negative). But, in the case of quantum plasma (for small ratio ), the wave frequency deceases as wave number increases (the phase velocity is negative). Then, the phase velocity and group velocity tends to zero at definite wave number () depends on the quantum ratio (). For high quantum ratio, the phase velocity starts to be +ve and increases again. 5-CONCLOUSION In this work, The dispersion properties of the propagation of linear waves in degenerate electron–positron magnetoplasma are investigated by using the quantum hydrodynamic equations with magnetic fields of the Wigner–Maxwell system. The general dielectric tensor is derived using the electron and positron densities and its momentum response to the quantum effects due to Bohm potential and the statistical effect of Femi temperature. We have obtained a set of new dispersion relations in two cases that the wave vector parallel or perpendicular to the magnetic field to investigate the linear propagation of different electromagnetic waves. It is clear that the quantum effects increase or decrease the phase velocity of the modes depends on the external magnetic field. Besides, it has shown that the dispersion curves at depend essentially on the positron-electron density ratio such as the positron density is increased to equal electron density, the wave frequency of the modes is increased.. Fig.(1). The dispersion relation (5.19) has two positive solutions for positron electron density ration with and Fig. (2) The dispersion relations of the modes for different density positron-electron ratios with and Fig. (3). The dispersion relations of the parallel modes along density ratioaxis with and Fig.(4). The dispersion relations of different modes for different quantum effects with positron-electron density ratio and velocity ratio .. , Fig. (5.5). The dispersion relations of electromagnetic modes for different ratios in classical plasma. Fig.(6). The dispersion solutions of the equations (5.17) and (5.18) for different density ratios . Fig. (7). The other dispersion solutions of the equation (18) for different density ratios . Fig.(8). 3D plotting for dispersion relation for perpendicular modes in quantum unmagnetized plasma along quantum ratio axis with

Friday, October 25, 2019

Diary Of A Survivor: Literary Analysis :: essays research papers

Title: Diary of A Survivor: Nineteen Years in a Cuban Women’s Prison Authors: Ana Rodriguez and Glenn Garvin Published: St. Martin’s Press Type of Book: Assisted auto-biography Plot Summary Diary of a Survivor follows nineteen years of Ana Rodriguez’s life, a Cuban woman arrested by Cuba’s ‘State Security’ in her late teens. As a teenager she had been an activist against the Batista dictatorship which governed Cuba, and at first welcomed Fidel Castro’s take-over of power. Gradually, however, she realises that Castro has no intention of leading Cuba democratically and joins the fight against him. She is betrayed to the authorities by an informant, is arrested, tried and convicted, and is sentenced to thirty years in prison. Diary of a Survivor tells of Ana Rodriguez’s continuous resistance against political intimidation that eventually ‘breaks’ her captors rather than them ‘breaking’ her. This strong will and courage earns her legendary among fellow political prisoners and civilians as a ‘plantada’; one who cannot be broken. Themes/ Thematic Statements The ill-effects of communism/ dictatorships on a society is explored through the entire book as it was a constant part of Ana’s life, in fact it is what caused her imprisonment. Human rights abuses in Cuba and in communist countries in general Cuba’s corrupt government hierarchy and legal system also feature throughout the books, like the continual rapes and beatings the prisoners face. People who betray one group of people will end up betraying anyone they come into contact with. This is shown in Isis Nimo, the spy who initially gets Ana sent to prison but eventually gets fired from all her government jobs because of her untrustworthiness. Racism can work in reverse but still produce adverse effects. There are two mentions of black political prisoners (most are white). They are considered unusual because Fidel Castro’s regime was meant to favourable to black people in general. Even people who are said to have firmly set ideas can have doubts, like the ‘hard-line communist soldiers’ who do not join in when the women are being attacked and the guards that in one particular incident slip the starved prisoners food. The pros and cons of the chivalrous Cuban idea that women are considered good and passive, and therefore only the most offensive women criminals are jailed in Cuba, and the disregard of it by some officials. This is touched on whenever there is contact with the common prisoners, and in an especially disturbing scene where a group of female common prisoners are let into a cell where a young girl is held as a ‘traitor’ to the Fidel Castro regime.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Rustico and Alibech

Rustico and Alibech by Giovanni Boccaccio I tried to find a better picture, or at least the more decent one. But Rustico and Alibech is just a short story piece of literary by Giovanni Boccaccio, and the fact that it was written ages ago, it would seem impossible to leastwise find a good cover. Anyway, I wouldn’t be doing the reflection about its looks but of course, by its content. I am really wondering why my literature professor loves to give us erotic pieces to read. Just like this schtick.It is misleading. I was reading the first part of this essay with Kath and we were both so frantic in fully understanding the essence of the piece- not just because of the words per se, but because of the author’s interpretations of things such as heaven, devil and hell. The whole story technically revolved around an innocent lass, who was in search for ways to honor God through clergy. She wandered in solitude at the woods of Thebais when she found this pious monk named Rustico.I f you are going to ask me what kind of remembrance it has given me, I’d say that it was when Rustico taught Alibech how to put the deivil inside hell for the first time. Guys, it means sex. And it didn’t just end after that. They had a bunch of that.. and that.. and that†¦ But in all those times, Alibech thought that it was still a part of her ministry because Rustico explained to her that whenever they put the devil inside hell, God is pleased. His head is pleased.There was also a time when Alibech no longer enjoy much of it because you know, you know. HAHAHA! But then, my favorite part was when Alibech was forced to go home by I-don’t-remember-his-name-anymore to marry him. I don’t wanna detail it much, you see. However, when some people asked about her experiences as a hermit, She’d proudly story tell all of it. And then people would laugh because it also happens there- not including of course, the foolishness she abode.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Essay

Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (born April 5, 1947) is a Filipino politician who served as the14th President of the Philippines from 2001 to 2010, as the 12th Vice President of the Philippines from 1998 to 2001, and is currently a member of the House of Representativesrepresenting the 2nd District of Pampanga. She was the country’s second female president (after Corazà ³n Aquino), and the daughter of former President Diosdado Macapagal. Arroyo was a former professor of economics at Ateneo de Manila University where Benigno Aquino III was one of her students. She entered government in 1987, serving as assistant secretary and undersecretary of the Department of Trade and Industry upon the invitation of President Corazon Aquino. After serving as a senator from 1992 to 1998, she was elected to the vice presidency under President Joseph Estrada, despite having run on an opposing ticket. After Estrada was accused of corruption, she resigned her cabinet position asSecretary of Social Welfare and Development and joined the growing opposition to the president, who faced impeachment. Estrada was soon forced from office by the EDSA Revolution of 2001, and Arroyo was sworn into the presidency by Chief Justice Hilario Davide, Jr. on January 20, 2001. She was elected to a full six-year presidential term in the controversial May 2004 Philippine elections, and was sworn in on June 30, 2004. Following her presidency she was elected to the House of Representatives, making her the second Philippine president—after Josà © P. Laurel—to pursue a lower office after their presidency. On November 18, 2011, Arroyo was arrested following the filing of criminal charges against her for electoral fraud. As of December 9, 2011, she is incarcerated at the Veterans Memorial Medical Center in Quezon City under charges of electoral sabotage.